A new way to make car batteries that are more sustainable, they are made of wood

carbonscape.  (Carbonscape/X)
carbonscape. (Carbonscape/X)

in New Zealand It has developed an alternative that could reduce reliance on traditional batteries Electric car By manufacturing artificial graphite from wood chips.

Through a process called pyrolysis, CarbonScape turns waste from the wood industry, such as bark and other smaller parts, into “Biochar”The company said it is a carbon-rich material that is then converted into a more sustainable base form of graphite.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the company’s CEO said: Evan Williams“The mission is to decarbonize the food industry,” he stressed Electric carThe executive noted that the technology could be used to use wood waste as a tool raw materials.

Furthermore, this can serve as an alternative to access new chains Supplies Since currently the market is mainly dominated by China, at least in this sector of industry Where batteries are manufactured for this type Cars.

CarbonScape uses wood to create batteries for electric cars.  (Carbonscape)
CarbonScape uses wood to create batteries for electric cars. (Carbonscape)

On the other hand, the fact that this new type of battery is used Treated wood As one of its main components in the manufacturing process, it allows us to stop caring about minerals that are usually extracted from mines in highly polluting processes, such as the case of… Lithium, Hiero y phosphate.

Although some critics question the viability of this alternative to graphite, arguing its lower cost-effectiveness and the large amount of wood chips required, carbonscape It has attracted international attention and obtained funding for 18 million dollars A subsidiary of the European forest products company Stora Enso, which will allow it to open new supply lines there Europe.

next to, Imperex technologya battery manufacturer based in Hong Kong, also invested in the company, so technological development is necessary to make this new way of creating electric car batteries viable. The company’s CEO added, “These developments highlight the great support that the company enjoys Sustainability And the Carbon removal worldwide”.

Even today, innovation in the electric vehicle sector is allocating resources to redirect the use of graphite and reduce demand for it, as it is estimated that by the year 2040 This will double up 25 times. Companies like carbonscape They are looking to create batteries that do not require the use of this component at all or to use it to a lesser extent.

CarbonScape uses leftover wood chips to produce graphite.  (Brooks Craft/Getty)
CarbonScape uses leftover wood chips to produce graphite. (Brooks Craft/Getty)

According to the official website of carbonscape“Producing biographite through this process is not only sustainable, but also contributes to reducing the carbon footprint, thus supporting environmental efforts.” The ability to establish local production of CV makes it possible to shorten and secure supply chains, which are critical to the advancement of the industry. technology to Environmental batteries.

The company also indicated that it is capable of producing one metric ton of… Synthetic graphite of seven tons of dried wood chips at its pilot plant in Marlborough, New Zealand.

Although only five tons of graphite have been produced so far, projections indicate that a commercial-scale production plant could manufacture up to 10,000 tonsannually. This progress is important in the context of… European Union y United State It seeks to reduce its dependence on important raw materials from China.

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