Spain appears in Application of thermal ablation techniques Photo-guided for treatment breast cancer. Specifically, it is cryoablation, Intense cold applicationand thermal ablation (Extreme heat), which are treatments performed by radiologists in outpatient clinics and allow the disease to be controlled Initial casesWhen the size of the tumor does not exceed three centimeters and there is no malignancy.
Nowadays, thanks to the improvement in Checked it In diagnostic techniques, cancer is located in embryonic stages but patients do not always want or cannot do so It worksespecially if they have Advanced age Or you suffer from chronic diseases or fragility that can get worse when you go to the operating room. For this type of patients, until a few years ago, there were almost no therapeutic solutions, but in the last five years, the use of percutaneous ablation, which has almost no side effects, has become widespread. It is not invasive The disease is allowed to stop.
Thermal ablation consists of applying high temperatures to the tumor area, through electromagnetic waves. It can be performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia
Thermal ablation consists of applying High temperatures In the tumor area through Electromagnetic waves. It can be performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia, In a manner similar to that in which a breast biopsy is performed, in the same room as the ultrasound, allowing an ultrasound examination to be performed Radiologists Inserting a needle into the tumor. The procedure is very safe, respects healthy tissue and takes little time. Five minutes.
Fast recovery
Cryoablation, for its part, is the opposite process: it consists of puncturing the tumor to introduce extreme cold, which ranges between -180°C and -120°C. Again, the radiologist is guided by the ultrasound, and requires it Anesthesia Or general anesthesia and the intervention is a little longer, about 30 minutes, but with a very quick recovery. One of the advantages of this technique is that it stimulates the immune response, because it causes coagulative necrosis of tumor cells.
Patients leave as if we have done nothing for them and ask us if they can go eat with their children.
“Patients come out as if we have done nothing for them and ask us if they can go to eat with their children,” says Miriam Montes, a breast specialist at the Spanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM) and San Carlos Clinical Hospital. From Madrid. This hospital and the Ramón y Cajal Hospital, also in Madrid, were among the first to start, about five years ago, performing thermal ablation of breast cancer, and this technique is already being used in some hospitals. 30 patients With good results. Only one patient suffered minor burns and in all of them” Disease control“.
an exercise
“Since it is an innovative technology, more study time is required to learn about it Medium and long term effects But for patients who have a short life expectancy, it allows them to live out their final years without realizing they have cancer.
Both techniques are available in a large part of the Spanish hospital network and the Society of Medical Radiology is training specialists in the European Union to apply them in other countries.
Both technologies are available in a large part of the Spanish hospital network. Spanish Society of Medical Radiology formation To specialists in the European Union for application in other countries, since Spain is a pioneer in the use of thermal ablation in the treatment of breast cancers and Other tumorsSuch as thyroid, liver or kidney cancer successfully.
The good results suggest that perhaps both techniques could be used in the future as an alternative Surgical treatmentalso in younger patients although more studies are still needed on its use as first-line treatment.
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(Tags for translation) Cancer