Madrid, December 15 (Everde).- he BBVA has signed a €200 million loan linked to sustainability indicators with Porsche Holding Salzburg, marking its first sustainable loan with an Austrian client.
This loan, which has a maturity period of three years, features a price adjustment mechanism that links the financing margin to two environmental indicators and one social indicator: carbon dioxide emissions, the share of electric vehicles sold, and the presence of women at the company’s address.
The selected indicators are consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; The financial institution clarified in a statement, in particular, with Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals of adopting urgent measures and combating climate change and its impacts, and with Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals to achieve gender equality and empower women.
“As an automotive marketing company, we recognize the impact of our activities on the environment and society and want to contribute positively to the transition towards a low-carbon and inclusive economy. This loan represents an incentive for us to continue improving our results on selected key performance indicators and to align our financing strategy with our long-term sustainability goals.“, said the treasurer of Porsche Group Holding Salzburg, Thomas Mayer.
from your side Markus Bechtel, Senior Banker at BBVAAnd he pointed that out “It is important that companies not only commit to sustainability, but also integrate sustainable goals into their financing tools. This will help society fight climate change and encourage better practices. EFEverde
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