International Shipping Organization BIMCO A subcommittee has been formed to work on Global standard contract for the transportation and installation of offshore wind turbines With the aim of addressing the challenges facing the growing sector.
As published by Splash, he called the contract work Windseaconwas launched through a series of consultations with around 65 key market players, resulting in Establish a dedicated subcommittee and a large survey committee composed of a broad range of industry leaders. “During our consultations with experts in Offshore wind energyIt became clear that most of the market was using contracts that reflected a A combination of construction contracts and BIMCO’s SUPPLYTIME charter contract.
The consultations confirmed this A specific standard contractual framework is needed“It is balanced and commercially viable for the offshore wind industry,” he said. Sixty Tiger EvoDeputy Secretary General of BIMCO, Head of Contracts, Terms, Support and Advice.
According to BIMCO, The WINDSEACON contract will provide the necessary structure to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of legal and commercial negotiations. Currently, the focus is on the transportation and installation aspects Offshore wind turbines.
Although the American market has different requirements for it Europe y Asia with regard to Offshore wind turbinesThe Subcommittee is expected to explore whether there are additional specific provisions United State As work progresses.
“The editorial team will contribute its collective expertise to Developing a new standard contract that will help shape the future of offshore wind. The need for a specific contract is growing and we are working on how to build it to support the demand for energy sources Renewable energy“Ivo added.