The National Foresight Observatory of the National Center for Strategic Planning (SEPLAN) proposes critical measures to promote clean energy from renewable sources: a solid regulatory framework, proactive government policies, investment in research, education and public awareness, adequate infrastructure, sustainable financing and international cooperation. cooperation. These measures seek to promote environmental sustainability and economic growth.
The push toward clean, renewable energy has become a global priority, and Peru is no exception. With a focus on environmental sustainability and economic growth, the South American country is betting on a shift towards clean and renewable energy sources.
Solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal energy are at the heart of this change. Solar energy, captured through photovoltaic or thermal panels, and wind energy, generated by wind turbines, are gaining popularity in the country. Meanwhile, Peru’s abundance of rivers and streams has led to the widespread use of hydroelectric power, taking advantage of the country’s mountainous terrain.
Although hydroelectric power dominates. Peru is seeking to diversify its energy matrix. This involves incorporating additional renewable sources, such as solar and wind, to supplement hydropower and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
However, this change is not without challenges. The initial investment required for infrastructure and renewable energy technologies remains a major hurdle. In addition, it is necessary to address issues such as intermittent energy storage and grid management to ensure stable and reliable supply.
The path towards clean and sustainable energy is also marked by inspiring examples at the international level. Countries such as Germany, Denmark, Costa Rica and Iceland have shown how it is possible to make the most of natural energy sources and move towards a more sustainable future. These cases can serve as guidance and inspiration for Peru on its path towards a cleaner, more resilient energy matrix.
Although there is still a long way to go, the increase in electricity production from cleaner sources in Peru reflects a global trend towards the energy transition. With continued commitment and the adoption of appropriate policies and measures, Peru is on track to achieve its clean energy goals and contribute to global efforts for a more sustainable future.
Increasing clean electricity production in Latin America and Peru
The Latin American and Caribbean region, as well as the country of Peru in South America, is experiencing a remarkable period Increasing electricity production from clean energy sources, such as wind and solar energy. According to data collected by Ember, these energy sources have significantly increased their share of total electricity generation.
At the regional level, hydropower plants have traditionally been the main source of electricity, accounting for about 50% of total power generation in Latin America and the Caribbean during the period 2000-2022. In Peru, the majority of energy supply also comes from hydroelectric facilities.
However, the Ember report reveals that wind and solar energy are gaining more ground in Peru and the region as a whole. These energy sources represent approximately 12% of total electricity production worldwide, 11.5% in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 4.7% in Peru by 2022.
Especially in PeruElectricity generation from cleaner sources, such as wind and solar, has increased significantly in recent years. In 2012, It represents barely 0.2% of the country’s total electricity generation, but by 2022, this number will rise to 4.7%.This represents significant progress towards generating more sustainable and environmentally friendly electricity.
This increase in clean energy production is consistent with global trends towards energy transformation. According to the net zero emissions scenario proposed by the International Energy Agency (IEA), It is expected that approximately 70% of the world’s electricity will be generated through solar and wind energy sources by 2050. This trend provides a great opportunity for Peru, given its diverse geography, which is rich in natural resources, which provides distinct potential for developing renewable energy projects in the country.
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Publication date: 3/3/2024
(tags for translation)Potential