Madrid, February 26 (Eficom).- The Ministry of Ecological Transition presented to a public hearing the Royal Decree to regulate the production of electricity in offshore installations, which proposes the ability to grant them at the same time the economic system for renewable energies, the reservation the ability to access the network and the privilege of using the maritime public domain. -Ground.
As the Ministry reported on Monday, this draft royal decree sets out the regulatory framework for offshore and offshore wind energy development in Spain.
The target included in the Offshore and Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap, and the update of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (Pniec) 2023-2030, is to reach 3 GW of offshore wind and up to 60 MW of other offshore renewable energy sources. Sources in 2030
According to the Ministry’s calculations, developing these generation sources will create about 40,000 jobs.
The Ministry has already approved Marine Space Administration Plans, a zoning tool for different uses of the sea (fishing, navigation and energy production, among others), which include 19 areas of high potential (ZAP) for the installation of offshore wind turbines. With an area of 5,000 square kilometers, 0.46% of the territorial waters.
After approving the offshore space planning, the ministry has now released the regulatory framework that offshore and offshore wind energy will include.
The draft royal decree affects offshore wind installations and other marine energies, such as wave energy, that produce energy throughout the maritime territories under Spanish jurisdiction.
These facilities can be granted at the same time the economic regime of renewable energy, reserving the ability to access a certain point of the electrical grid and the privilege of using the terrestrial maritime public domain for a maximum period of 30 years.
These rights will be granted in competitions, where they can be taken into account, in addition to economic and technical criteria (energy price, energy share awarded, solvency of participants, technology characteristics and requirements, among others). And others, such as occupying space or reducing environmental impact.
Plans to dismantle equipment at the end of its useful life, create employment and local industry, involve SMEs in projects, impact navigation or support other sectors could also be taken into account. Like fishing.
Taking into account the complexity of projects, there may be a phase of public-private dialogue, in addition to the usual public engagement and listening procedures, to increase positive social and economic impacts and enhance the integration and compatibility of facilities with other uses of natural resources. the sea. .
The government has already allocated €147 million for experimental pilot projects and test platforms for offshore renewables under the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transition of Renewable Energies, Renewable Hydrogen and Storage, known as Perte ERHA.
Comments on the draft royal decree regulating electrical energy production in marine facilities can be submitted until March 25. Aficom