Ferreycorp ranks in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the seventh year in a row | Latest | Economy

For the seventh year in a row, Ferreycorp has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the MILA-Pacific Alliance region, remaining the only Peruvian company in all its editions since its launch in 2017.

It is worth noting that the company is part of the latest edition of S&P Global’s Sustainability Yearbook, Standard & Poor’s prestigious international publication on sustainability.

Ferrycorp’s presence in the aforementioned Dow Jones Index expresses the high standards of its sustainable management, which includes social, environmental, administrative and economic areas. At the same time, it is among the top five companies in the global trade and distribution category in the Sustainability Yearbook in its edition issued at the beginning of 2023, which evaluates 61 industries, including more than 7,800 companies.

“We believe that companies that integrate sustainability into management improve their results and at the same time positively impact their environment, thus building their sustainability over time and relevance. In this spirit, at Ferreycorp, we manage our environmental, social and governance dimensions as responsibly as possible, with a long-term vision.” range, which is reflected in our participation in this important indicator over the years. said Mariela García de Fabbri, General Manager of Ferreycorp.

Multiple dimensions of evaluation

The company’s participation in this list is done after a comprehensive evaluation. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the MILA-Pacific Alliance region analyzes key variables in sustainable management, such as talent attraction and retention, human capital development, occupational health and safety, and customer relationships, in social matters.

Likewise, in the environmental field, it examines elements such as climate strategy, emissions management, water management, resource efficiency and circular economy.

Likewise, regarding governance and economics, it values ​​different dimensions such as corporate governance, supply chain, risk management and business ethics.

With 101 years of operations, Firecorp It is a leading company in the field of capital goods and related services, with a team of more than 7,500 workers in Peru and other Latin American countries.

(tags for translation)Ferreycorp

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