Many of our daily activities have environmental consequences: how we dispose of waste, what we eat, how we move.
Most of us are aware of the impacts these activities have on our planet. Each of them uses energy, produces emissions, and thus contributes to the carbon footprint.
But what about activities that are not so simple? Have you ever wondered how live streaming – something billions of people do every day – affects the environment?
Streaming relies on a vast infrastructure of data centers, networks, and devices such as computers, phones, and televisions. All of these elements contribute to the carbon footprint of live streaming, which accounts for a significant portion of global carbon emissions.
Demand for high-definition streaming continues to rise, expanding this infrastructure.
When considering the environmental impact of streaming, it is necessary to consider the production of the equipment used for streaming. The manufacturing of these devices consumes a lot of energy and often relies on fossil fuels, which further contributes to carbon emissions.
Streaming video has a similar carbon footprint to activities like boiling a kettle or heating popcorn in the microwave.
Although individual streaming habits are important, the continuous operation of data centers and networks independent of the number of streaming users is an important part of the problem.
Switching to renewable energy will significantly reduce the emissions of these data centers, and thus their overall downstream emissions.
Many big players in the streaming industry have committed to sourcing energy from renewable sources, which will be a major step in making media consumption more sustainable in the future.
Although much of the impact of live streaming is out of the hands of the consumer, there are many things we can do to reduce the environmental impact of live streaming.
When possible, stream from a device that consumes less power. Watching on your laptop or phone consumes a fraction of the power needed to stream on your TV. Download files when you can. Most importantly, use your devices for as long as possible.
Dispose of old appliances properly. You can drop off old TVs, computers, and smartphones at Recycle Utah!
Streaming is a popular and convenient way to consume media, but it is not without environmental consequences.
By being mindful of our streaming habits and supporting sustainable initiatives in the industry, we can work towards a greener streaming future.
Recycle Utah, a nonprofit community recycling center, offers these weekly tips. Visit their website for more information. http://www.recycleutah.org.