Iberdrola y O2 Germany, A subsidiary of TelefonicaI reached a Long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) through which the company It will supply the telco with renewable electricity from its Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm for the next 15 years. Specifically, starting in 2025, Iberdrola will supply 3,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) of “green” energy to O2 Germany, From an offshore wind energy project with a capacity of 476 MW It is located in the German Baltic Sea, according to the German subsidiary of the energy company.
This way energy You will supply around 8,000 mobile stations out of 28,000 O2 stations, which has been appointed Goal to Reduce energy consumption per data volume by 87% by 2025 compared to 2015. The company also aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2040.
The “Baltic Eagle” is currently being built. In the waters of the Baltic Sea, it is scheduled to enter into force at the end of this year. The project has a capacity of 476 megawatts The second of three large-scale offshore wind farms That the company headed by Ignacio Sanchez Galán has In Germanywith 350 MW “Wickinger” and 300 MW “Windunker”. Together the three wind projects form the so-called Baltic axiswhich will have Total capacity of more than 1.1 GW in 2026 It will represent a investment Total is about 3600 million euros.
Leader in PPAS
Iberdrola led the PPA boom in 2023 In the European market, with agreements signed by youTotal 908 MW In alliances with large multinational companiesAccording to the European PPA Market Outlook 2024 report conducted by consulting firm Pexapark. Iberdrola maintains long-term energy supply alliances with “giants” such as Amazon, Telefónica, Mercadona, Holcim, Heineken, ABInBev, Apple, De Acero, VW-Seat, Mercedes Benz and Renault, among others.
Electric has drExtensive experience in the field of PPAs and managing long-term PPAs in various markets Such as Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Mexico, Germany and Australia, from renewable energy projects.
(tags for translation) New Agencies