Latest forecast for Iquitos: temperature, rain, wind

Temperature, probability of precipitation, cloudiness and UV rays are among the data that you should know before leaving the house. (Infobay/Giovanni Perez)
Temperature, probability of precipitation, cloudiness and UV rays are among the data that you should know before leaving the house. (Infobay/Giovanni Perez)

As a result of climate change, fluctuations in weather conditions are more constant, which means that high temperatures, continuous rain, and severe frosts can be recorded in a single day. It is better to take precautions and know about it Weather forecast for this Sunday, December 1 in Iquitos.

daytime temperature It will reach a maximum of 34 degrees Rain forecast The percentage of clouds will be 15%, and the percentage of overcast will be 57%, while the wind speed will reach 15 kilometers per hour.

As for ultraviolet rays, it is expected to reach a level of up to 10.

at night, temperature It will reach 23 degrees, while Possibility of rain The cloudiness rate will be 8%, and the cloudiness rate will be 95%, while the wind speed will be 15 kilometers per hour at night.

Iquitos weather forecast (Image captionInfobae)
Iquitos weather forecast (Image captionInfobae)

In Loreto Province, where the city of Iquitos is located, only four types of climates are reported, which are characterized by: Warm weather and heavy rainIt is found in the jungle region of northern Peru.

In the northern region of Loreto, where Iquitos is located, the weather is the same Hot with abundant humidity and heavy rain.

It rains regularly in Iquitos in the winter, between November and May, with March and April being the wettest months. Summer, for its part, has the driest months.


As many as 38 types of climate are felt in the territory of Peru.According to the National Authority of Meteorology and Hydrology (Cenami), this is the result of the interaction between various climatic and geographical factors.

These main factors, Sinami explains, are its geographical location in the Tropic of Capricorn and its proximity to the Andes.

Of the 38 climates, Senamhi highlights three main ones Which is determined according to the area of ​​the country in which they are located.

On the coast In the South American country, which faces the Pacific Ocean and covers only 11.6% of the national territory, the prevailing weather is Arid and temperateIts main climatic characteristic is lack of rainfall.

in SawThe region near the Andes Mountains, which occupies 28.1% of Peru’s territory, has a climate Rainy and cold especially.

while In the forestWhere Peru’s most tropical climate is observed, it occupies 60.3% of its surface, and the weather is known as Very rainy and hot.

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