Characteristics of Merlin It became part of eclecticism Dow Jones Sustainability World Indexa benchmark index for sustainability and governance worldwide, becoming the first Spanish real estate company to enter it.
The index consists of: Leading global companies in the field of sustainability They are identified by S&P Global and include the 10% of companies in each sector with the highest sustainability scores. In the case of the real estate sector, only 17 companies around the world are part of the Selective, and only five of them are European, including Merlin, which received a total of 69 points in the Standard & Poor’s evaluation, placing it in the ranking. 97th percentile in its sector.
The aspects most appreciated by the rating agency were transparency and reporting, business ethics, decarbonisation, social integration, and engagement and commitment with all interest groups or stakeholders. In addition, Merlin Properties repeats for the third year in a row in the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index, with only seven European real estate companies entering.
Merlin Properties’ inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index is an endorsement of the company’s firm commitment to… Implement measures to reduce the carbon footprint of your assetsAccording to the company’s interpretation.
Sustainability is the core focus of Merlin Properties, as outlined in its plan.The path to net zeroWhich was introduced last year, to be a net-zero emissions company by 2030. This plan consists of three main pillars: reducing the operational carbon footprint by 85%, and reducing embodied carbon in the construction, renovation and use of buildings. From renewable energy. Likewise, the inevitable remaining footprint will be offset by our duly approved initiatives.
In terms of other sustainability ratings, the company received an A- rating for the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a score of 83 for ESG real estate rating company GRESB and 7.2 for Sustainalytics, ranking in the top 1% of most valuable companies. Globally. Additionally, it is the most highly rated Ibex-35 company by Standard Ethics. The company points out that all of these results place Merlin Properties ahead of its peers in this regard.
(tags for translation) Real Estate