Strong winds will turn on wind power and cancel the wholesale price of electricity until Sunday at 6 p.m.

The so-called wholesale electricity market price Swimming poolOn Sunday, it will drop to 3.97 euros per megawatt hour on average and will remain at almost 0 euros every hour until 6:00 p.m., according to provisional data from Iberian Energy Market Operator (Oh, my God).

From midnight to 6 p.m., the price will be zero euros for fourteen hours. A price of €0.1/MWh will only be recorded at specific times.

The highest price will be between 9:00pm and 10:00pm, at €30.6/MWh, according to OMIE data.

For the tenth day in a row, the price of electricity remains below 10 euros on average, although this price is not exactly transferred to the bill. There are fixed costs to the electricity consumer, such as tolls, fees, and system modifications.

This significant decline since February 22 in the wholesale electricity market is mainly due to the presence of A Atlantic Front Which causes strong winds, which in turn enhances the presence of renewable energy sources – in particular winds– in it mix up In addition to the decrease in demand with the advent of the weekend compared to weekdays.

he Swimming pool It does not exactly represent the final amount in the electricity price for the consumer covered by the regulated tariff. Entering 2024, a new method of calculating PVPC was adopted, which includes a basket of medium- and long-term prices to avoid strong fluctuations, without losing short-term price references that encourage saving and efficient consumption.

Correlation ratio with price Swimming pool It will be gradually reduced to include futures market references, representing 25% in 2024, 40% in 2025, and 55% starting in 2026.

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