The climate crisis affects all aspects of our lives, including the economy, requiring urgent action to reduce resource consumption, reduce waste and enhance transparency in supply chains. These imperatives are driven by the need to preserve our planet, as well as societal demands, evolving regulations, and labor competition.
Innovation is presented as a creative response to these challenges, seeking effective solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change and enhance resilience at an organizational and global level. In addition, local legislation and initiatives, such as the approval of Euskadi’s first energy transition and climate change law, reflect a broader commitment to sustainability. In this context, we explore the innovation trends driving sustainability in 2024. Governments and consumers are demanding more sustainable practices, pushing companies to adopt them as part of their strategy to differentiate themselves and strengthen their position in the market.
Measuring sustainability becomes critical, with the implementation of new frameworks and standards, as well as the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain to improve transparency and efficiency in the value chain. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are changing the evaluation of organizational performance and are increasingly important to investors.
Collaboration between different actors is essential to effectively address challenges, and sustainability training is becoming a priority for many organizations. Innovation in materials, driven by artificial intelligence, provides new opportunities to reduce environmental impact across industries. Sustainability is being strengthened as a key element of business strategy in 2024, driven by the need to respond to societal demands and regulations, as well as the potential for long-term differentiation and growth.
(Tags for translation)Sustainability