The difference in performance management in wind assets

Achieving excellent performance in a sustainable way is one of the main challenges we currently face in managing wind farms in Brazil.

The balance between the pillars of what is considered ideal is very important for O&M professionals and key companies in the sector and, therefore, has been repeatedly addressed throughout 2023, in Statkraft’s participation in the region’s events.

Optimizing costs and maximizing generation are the main challenges facing most companies, which take these assumptions into account in their strategic directions. Making the right decisions to balance cost and generation with risk management is the first step towards achieving performance excellence.

At Statkraft, the pioneer of this management model, each wind farm is analyzed separately and, based on this assessment, it is determined whether the management will be the way In Housecarried out by the company responsible for the asset, or by Full Service Agreement (FSA) – Well known in the wind energy sector, where management is typically undertaken by wind turbine manufacturers.

Of all the wind farms we have in operation, this last model applies to only one of them: know how Acquired through the so-called “initiation” (process In House) than other complexes, as well as the flexibility to operate in both ways, is a great differentiator for the market, where the decision on the best path to follow is analyzed individually by the operation and maintenance team, adapting to each scenario with the aim of maximizing the value of our assets.

Realizing the need for flexibility in circumstances, we are always working to innovate and follow where the market is headed. Statkraft operates in over 21 countries, and we use this synergy to deliver best practices on how important players operate.

The United States, for example, has 30% of fleets managed by asset owners or third-party companies Multiple brands. For us, this country is an indicator of what Brazil will be like in 5-10 years. Always anticipating trends, we have already internalized this movement in our business.

According to this strategy, adopting a predictive maintenance methodology, which uses monitoring to anticipate failures and increase plant availability, becomes a differentiator. Using this method allowed a factory to increase its production by 28.1% over three years.

To achieve rates like these, the company invested in creating a Center of Excellence in Performance (CEP), which analyzes the condition of each asset, by aligning processes between maintenance planning, engineering, implementation, and operation and maintenance teams, while developing an algorithm. Machine learningTechnical Analysis.

The goal is to look for opportunities to extend the useful life of the parks, and to create a cloud-based innovation environment for analyzing operational data. With this, our team has the ability to anticipate or postpone activity, and turn statistics and data into important information for decision-making.

Using revenue maximization and cost control in asset management as a strategic operating philosophy, allows the company to become increasingly powerful, and pursue the interests of shareholders, in a consistent and sustainable manner, on the mission of a carbon neutral future.

Thiago Tomazzoli He is Vice President of Strategic Operations at Statkraft.

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