Madrid, 26 (Servemedia)
The Ministry of Environmental Transition and Demographic Challenge is considering granting the economic system to renewable energy, through a competitive competition procedure, reserving the ability to access a specific point of the electrical grid and the concession of the terrestrial marine public domain for a maximum period of 30 years.
This was confirmed by the environmental transformation in the draft royal decree regulating the production of electrical energy in facilities located at sea, and these regulations were presented to the public until next March 25.
Moreover, it considers that in the competitions that will work to grant the mentioned rights, in addition to economic and technical criteria, other criteria can be taken into account, such as space occupancy and minimization of environmental impact. Plans to dismantle equipment at the end of its useful life, create employment and local industry, engage SMEs, impact navigation, or support other economic sectors, such as fishing, can also be evaluated.
Likewise, taking into account the complexity of the projects, there may be a public-private dialogue phase, in addition to the usual public engagement and listening procedures, to increase positive social and economic externalities and enhance their integration and compatibility with other uses of the sea. .
The Offshore Wind Roadmap and Update of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2023-2030 sets targets to achieve up to 3 GW of offshore wind energy and up to 60 MW of other offshore renewable energy sources until 2030. This is orderly, environmentally respectful and compatible development. Other uses and activities at sea will generate significant economic activity and create approximately 40,000 job opportunities.
Government priority
Spain is the European partner that owns most of the R&D facilities, such as the Canary Islands Ocean Platform (Plucan), the Vizcaya Marine Energy Platform (PEMEP) or the Punta Langostera Marine Energy Experimental Area (La Coruña), the world’s second test platform for wave energy. .
To achieve the development goals of offshore and offshore wind energy, Transition has approved offshore space management plans. It is a zoning tool for different uses of the sea (fishing, navigation, energy production…), which includes 19 zones of high potential (ZAP) for the installation of offshore wind turbines, with an area of 5,000 km², 0,000,000 km². 46% of territorial waters.
The development of marine energies is a priority for the Government, which has already allocated 147 million euros for pilot projects and test platforms for marine renewable energy within the framework of the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transition of Renewable Energies, Renewable Hydrogen and Its Storage. (Bertie Erha).
Comments on the draft royal decree regulating the production of electrical energy in facilities located at sea can be sent to until March 25, 2024, with a reference in the subject “Allegations about the draft royal decree on offshore renewable energies”.
(Servemedia) February 26, 2024, 1:40 PM (GMT +1) JBM/NBC
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