They broadcast a radio program about urban heat waves and islands in the country and in Cordoba

From January 9 to February 28, residents from more than a dozen Argentine provinces broadcast “Radio Calor Urbano” to publicize and discuss the experiences, damage and costs of extreme heat.

They broadcast on from Monday to Friday from 7 to 9 pm and on Tuesday they will talk about the heat in Cordoba, how to react to high temperatures and how to protect and cool homes.

“Argentina is experiencing an unprecedented heat wave, with extremely hot days, with temperatures approaching and even exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, and nights that are also very warm and humid, uncomfortable for resting and working the next day,” the neighbors expressed in a statement.

“Radio Color Urbano” will be broadcast digitally from Monday to Friday from 7pm to 9pm.

They assert that the situation has generated a “national emergency” that affects millions of Argentines who are consumed day and night by the intense heat without prior preparation, without knowing how to manage the extreme heat or how to protect themselves and their families from it. Alarm symptoms appear.

They also highlighted the state’s failure to implement appropriate plans and forecasts and the absence of cooling centers to respond to people most affected by poverty and heat.

Consequences of heat

Neighbors reported that the counties most affected by the urban heat wave/heat island are:

  • Buenos Aires: With temperatures approaching 40 degrees Celsius in several areas.
  • La Rioja, Catamarca, Santiago del Estero. Córdoba, San Luis, Tucumán, Jujuy, Salta, etc.: with temperatures exceeding 40°C in many towns and cities.
  • Santa Fe: With temperatures exceeding 38 degrees Celsius in several cities.
  • Mendoza, Capa: with temperatures reaching 36 degrees Celsius in several areas.

At the same time, they pointed to a series of consequences caused by the heat wave and urban heat island effect that occurred due to the “lack of foresight, regulations and response plans from the states.”

Heat in Cordoba

Cordoba city

Heatwave: In the more populated neighborhoods of Cordoba the temperature is more intense

These include a series of damages and losses with devastating consequences for vulnerable people, exposed workers, economies, domestic animals, vegetation and natural commons, among others:

  • Deaths and hospitalizations: due to extreme heat, lack of adequate organizational measures and strategies, and protection and early response plans.
  • Community health problems: such as dehydration, heatstroke, and other heat-related disorders, in unprepared and uninformed populations.
  • Economic losses: due to heat stress caused by day and night heat, reduced productivity, and loss of income, among others, in agriculture and industry.

Call to action

“In this time of national emergency, from the civic association Alianza Clima Vida y Salud Argentina and the Urban Neighbors Association for Local Response to Heat Waves, we call on government authorities at all levels to take action,” they noted.

At this point they named the ministries of the executive branch, the parliament and state judiciary, the provinces and municipalities, the media, academic and production entities, and Argentine civil society organizations.

Heat in Cordoba


Extreme temperatures. Extreme heat wave in Cordoba: when does it start and how to prepare for it

The main goals they propose to achieve by working together are:

Providing information and resources: to help Argentines and vulnerable populations appropriately recognize local temperatures, protect their rights, and effectively predict the consequences of the increasing number, strength, and intensity of heat waves and the impact of urban heat, which affects most major Argentine cities today.

  • Implement emergency measures to anticipate, significantly reduce and prevent increased damage, loss of life, illness, absenteeism, productivity and damage to markets and workers, to the overall economy and to Argentina’s GDP.
  • Implement local interventions that adopt the calls for SMN early warning systems, at the local level in a rapid and effective manner, identifying the names of the heat waves installed in the Argentine territory.
  • Implement heat maps and local prevention programs in cooperation with neighbors and professional and technical references from the most affected neighborhoods and urban areas to anticipate the heat and prevent the recurrence of such situations in the future.

(tags for translation)heat

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