TransverSa 2023 explores the intersection between sustainability and technology

How can we integrate sustainability into technology and use technology to accelerate the sustainable transformation? This reversal represents the starting signal for Crossover 2023the annual meeting of professionals in the field of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) organized by DIRSE, the Spanish Association of Sustainability Managers (ASG) in collaboration with Accenture, and which took place yesterday in Madrid.

You are 2.5 times more likely to be among the top performers

Jordi Roca, Accenture’s CTO in Spain and Portugalwas responsible for welcoming the 100 attendees there and watching remotely, noting that “according to one of our recent studies, companies that know how to combine the power of technology with sustainability are 2.5 times more likely to position themselves among the top performing companies in the market; therefore, The commitment to making a positive impact is not only a moral imperative, but also a business imperative.

On his turn to speak, Head of the monastery, Ana Gascon RamosHe highlighted the importance of the meeting as a space for dialogue, reflection and discussion about the importance and necessity of intersectionality to achieve business excellence. “In this edition, the common thread is technology. Right now, as the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) takes place, in the European Parliament, the world’s first law is being discussed that will attempt to regulate artificial intelligence, but for a long time we have had technology supporting our work processes.” “While at the same time facing new challenges.”

the next, Representatives of four of the organizations that have supported TransverSa since its inceptionto explain the importance of sustainability and transversal action: Angel Aloza Losada, CEO major company; Excellence – Reputation Center; Jose Fernandez Alva, Director Dercum; Uriah Benito Linan, Vice President A dirham; Carlos Alberto Saez Peña, President They comply.

Continue the morning meditations focusing on the question: How can we integrate sustainability into technology and data management? Professional experts in this field such as: Zaida Sampedro Pristamo, Deputy General Manager of Transformation and Change Management at Digital Madrid; Esther Mateo Rodriguez, General Manager of Security, Operations and Corporate Systems at Adif; Jordi Roca Teixdo, Chief Technology Officer, Accenture; Susana Naranjo Córdoba, Global IT Director at Santander Consumer Finance, participated in a relaxed conversation full of relevant content, moderated by Juan Carlos Foz Silva, Managing Partner of CIONET Iberoamérica.

On this occasion, Experts They spoke about the importance of understanding technology as a tool that can improve people’s lives and, in this way, identifying improvement points so that technology becomes more sustainable. We’re left with some messages sent to us by IT managers:

  1. Companies that combine sustainability and technology are those that perform best around the world.

  2. The importance of data and data management for technology to be useful. Right now, companies still have very sparse data, which makes applying AI, for example, very complex and expensive. It is necessary to have strategies that organize and direct developments.

  3. Although with regard to hardware there are many developments in terms of sustainability and in the certifications required by companies for procurement and their tenders, with regard to software the room for improvement is very large.

  4. Technology is closely linked and must include human capital.

For his part, Jordi Roca spoke Any AI strategy needs to be supported on a fundamental pillar such as accountability. “Deploying AI without a foundation of responsibility can have serious negative consequences and impact on the company itself. For this reason, Accenture has developed a responsible AI platform that we apply to our services and use for the responsible deployment of AI at our clients.

Discussions and reflections at parallel tables

The session will be moderated by Alberto Andreu Pinillos, Executive Director of the Master in Sustainability and Associate Professor at the University of Navarra; Diego Larrea, Director of Accounting and Reporting at Grupo Día; Abraham Magan Delgado, Global Director of Risk Management at Allfunds Bank; Iñigo Olaizola Arguiaro, Head of ESG Planning, Analysis and Reporting at Iberdrola; They focused on how to stay ahead of trends in the digitization of sustainability reporting and risk management (CSRD and other assurance trends), as well as discussing how technology can support the integration of sustainability into finance, compliance, audit and communications functions in organizations. a company.

During the a classExperts agreed that technology plays a crucial role in reporting, especially through digital tools, by providing accuracy, integrity, accuracy and traceability of data, which are essential aspects for making informed decisions and achieving objectives effectively. During the talk, speakers also highlighted that organizations must avoid inconsistencies between their words and actions, as increased external scrutiny exposes them to commercial, reputational, legal and financial risks arising from unsubstantiated claims. Likewise, they emphasized that in terms of reporting, quality assurance and risk management, there is a need for harmonization and automation.

This table, I supervise it Iñigo Peña Medrano, CEO of Tetouan Valley Company, the entity with which DIRSE will begin cooperation, we had the opportunity to see through different types of entities, how innovation and technology are closely linked to environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects, both in terms of maximizing positive impacts, as well as minimizing negative ones. Thus, we were able to rely on two large multinational companies in telecommunications and finance, an SME working in the health sector and a non-profit organisation, each with its own specificities in terms of organization and focus: Victoria Mozos Fernández, sustainability strategy and venture capital investments. At BBVA; Miguel Subara Sobrino, Managing Director of Podoactiva; Ana Bosina Hijosa, Head of ESG Business Development at Telefónica; and Carlos Capataz Gordillo, Deputy Director of the Technology Unit for Serving People at the Spanish Red Cross.

In any case, they shared The importance of innovation and technology teams being multidisciplinary Consider not only aspects of technical efficiency, but also benefit and impact for recipients.

In line with the previous tables, Aurea Benito, HR Director at ISDIN, Juan Manuel Luque Jian, People Director at Ilunion Shared Services Center, and Lolis Sala, People and Talent Director at ManpowerGroup Spain, spoke about how technology can support the integration of sustainability in talent management and Human Resources, under the supervision of Teresa Maniweko Pfeiffer, Vice President of the Cepsa Foundation and Secretary of the Board of Directors of DIRSE.

In the discussion this was revealed The importance of understanding technology from a more human perspective. Experts agreed on the importance of a technological, people-centred approach, with actions that understand their behaviors, prioritize physical and mental well-being, and promote inclusion.

On this table, he turned it Cristina Sanchez García, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact in Spainwe had the opportunity to learn first-hand how companies from sectors as diverse as retail, hospitality and energy are approaching environmental, social and governance (ESG) work with their suppliers, through technology.

In addition to the specific cases, Rufino Hernández Viejo, Quality Director Iberia at ADEO Services, Josetxo Pérez Apesteguia, Director of Purchasing and Logistics at Palladium Hotel Group and Gloria Viejo Ximenez, Head of Sustainable Value Chain at Cepsa, agreed on several topics:

  1. the Suppliers need to be aware of environmental, social and governance requirements As an opportunity to create value in their entities and gain competitiveness, and not as an imposition from the client.

  2. Importance Accompanying less prepared suppliers, especially smaller oneswith training and tools to help them move towards more sustainable standards.

  3. It’s all they have left Work in relation to scope 3.


Yet different Presentations from the trip, Ana Milan, Business Director responsible for Accenture in Spain and Portugal and the Accenture FoundationHe presented the outcomes of the meeting, highlighting the importance of integrating sustainability into technology, and relying on (sustainable) technology to drive the shift towards sustainability.

For this part, Angel Bernez, Head of Technology and Sustainability ESG at Accenture and Luis Fuente, Head of Sustainability Strategy Services at AccentureShe reviewed the main ideas of the roundtables, emphasizing that environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives should be viewed as a source of shared value creation with suppliers, and that sustainability should be integrated alongside innovation in all company functions to achieve more efficient operations.

The day ended with Dulcinea Majeed, DIRSE Board Memberwhich, in addition to emphasizing how important it is to continue working on intersectionality, announced, as a final surprise in the year of the tenth anniversary of the Association, the first edition of the DIRSE Awards.

#TranverSa 2023: Sustainability in technology and its field, implemented by DIRSE, in collaboration with Accenture, also obtained a collaboration with Café Filantrófico. In addition to the media partners:, Compromiso RSE, Corresponsables and Diario Responsable.

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