{“4-1”:{“liga”:”https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/enlinea\/4-1\/”,”Programs”:({“production”:”International Rally” “photo”:https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpolhz0i.jpg”,”time”:17:30:00″,”duration”: “00:30” :00 “,”synopsis”:”TV4 brings you the 2023 season of the World Rally Championship.”,”chapter”:{“chapter”:”synopsis”:””}},{“production”:” Iberoam\u00e9rica en \ u00f3rbita”, “photo”: “https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpgdKWBG.jpg”, “time”: “18:00:00″, ” Duration: “00: 30:00”, “synopsis”: “A special program where there will be a video conference with astronaut Frank Rubio located on the International Space Station (ISS), a scientific laboratory floating in space.\r\nThis event will be held at the Jalisco State Public Library, Juan José Arreola, located in Zapopan, thanks to cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).,”chapter”:{“chapter”: “,”synopsis”:””}},{“production”: “Depa 4″ ,”photo”:https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpxr7KBq.jpg” “time”: “18:30:00”, “duration”: “01 :00 :00″,”synopsis”: “Depa 4 is an open space where every day we talk in a fun and relaxed way about the most important current topics of interest to young people. Social networks, fashion, cinema, music, health, science, technology and human relations are the topics you can find on our channel. \r\nAt Depa 4, there is always something to say.”,”chapter”:{“chapter”:”,”synopsis”:””}},{“production”: “FascinArte”,”photo”: https: \/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phphWXzCz.jpg”, “time”: “19:30:00”, “duration”: “01:00:00”, “recap” LINE : “A magazine program in which host Tania Preciado publishes art and culture generated in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico and the world.”, “chapter”:{“chapter”:””, “synopsis”:””}},{“produccion”:”TV4 Noticias Norteam \u00e9rica”, “photo”: “https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpI1NGib.jpg”, “Time”: “20:30:00″, Duration”: “01 :00:00″,”synopsis”: “4 News North America brings you a comprehensive summary of the most shocking events that occurred during the day\u00eda, in the state of Guanajuato and in the world, in collaboration with the best journalists and all participants of 4 Noticias.”,”chapter” :{“chapter”:”synopsis”:””}})}”4-2″:{“liga”:”https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/enlinea\/4-2 \/”,”programs”:({“production “:”Consume local”,”photo”: “https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpYg9FM6.jpg”,”hour “: “17:30:00”, “Duration”: “00:30:00″, ” Summary: “Project: #ConsumeLocal is a program where local merchants can showcase their products and find a space for deployment and support in the face of emergencies. ” “Image”: “https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpVsmLfS.jpg”, “Time”: “18:00:00”, “Duration”: “00:30:00 “,”synopsis”: “Learn about the latest news from Guanajuato, Mexico and the world.”,”chapter”:{“chapter”:””,”synopsis”:””}} ,{“production”:”Business meeting “,”Image”: “https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpqbz6bf.jpg “”,”,”time”: “18:30:00” “”,”Duration”: “00:30:00”, “synopsis”: “In the voice of experts, they will take you through topics relevant to the business sector in Guanajuato and the world.”, “chapter”:{ “chapter”: “”, “synopsis”: “”}}, {“production”: “MX News”, “photo”: “https:\/\/www.tvcuatro .com\/images\/producciones\/phpTC3E0a.jpg”, “time”: “19:00:00” , “duration”: “00:30:00”, “synopsis”: “Everything you want to know about the most important events in the state of Guanajuato.”, “,”chapter”:{“chapter”:”,”synopsis”: “”}},{“production”:”Network News”,”image”:https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\ /images\/producciones\/phpX8NUbl.jpg”,”hour”:” 19:30:00″, “duration”: “00:30:00”, “synopsis”: “Noticias en la Red, is national news” A program with the participation of the public radio and television systems of Mexico (RED M\u00e9xico), with the best What is in the culture, education and traditions in our regions.”,”chapter”:{“chapter”:”synopsis” “:”:””}})},”4-3″:{“league”:”:https: \/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/enlinea\/4-3\/”,”Programs”:({ “production”: “International Rally”,”photo”:”https:\/\/www.tvcuatro .com\/images\/producciones\/phpolhz0i.jpg”, “hour”: “17:30:00”, “duration”: “00:30:00”, “synopsis”: “TV4 brings you World Series Season For Rally 2023.”, “chapter”:{“chapter”:”, “synopsis”: “”}} ,{“production”: “Natural Instinct”, “image”: “https:\/\ /www.tvcuatro. com\/images\/producciones\/phpC4HqqL.jpg”,”hour”:”18:00:00″,”Duration”:”00:30:00″,”synopsis”:”Led by Gustavo Reyes and Franco Paredes, They are two runners who live life as a constant adventure. Both young men wear sneakers and invite you to explore the stunning landscapes throughout Argentina. A space that attempts to challenge nature, heat, cold, kilometers, and different geography with the aim of reaching the goal and transcending oneself.”,”chapter”:{” Chapter”:”The Cloud Challenge. C5″, “synopsis”: “The Las Nubes Challenge is a mountain bike competition held in its sixth edition once again within the 4,000 hectares of the Loma Balc Nature Reserve\u00f3n, located only 15 km from the center of Salta, which included the participation of more than 1,200 motorcyclists.”}},{“production”:Act\u00edvate TV4″ ,”photo”:https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpha3Q8D.png”,”hour “: “18:30:00”, “duration”: “00:30 :00”, “synopsis”: “A program for the whole family where they can join us in doing” healthy exercises and routines that will undoubtedly improve their health; all of this Without leaving home #Qu\u00e9dateEnCasaTV4″,”chapter”:{“chapter”:”,”synopsis”:””}},{“production”:”All Sports”,”photo”:”https: \ // www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/php6l1uJn.png”, “time”: “19:00:00”, “duration”: “00:30:00”, “summary”: ” \”All Sport\’ brings you the most exciting side of sport, interviews with stars and reports from around the world. Every week, the magazine covers a sporting adventure and shows us how it changes people’s lives. Everything we know about life we find in sports. Find out what it’s like to compete on the refugee team at Tokyo 2020 or what it’s like to win the Ironman Championship in Hawaii.”,”chapter”:{“chapter”:”,”synopsis”: ” “}} ,{“produccion”:”Program Special on TV4″,”photo”:”https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpjWYc5V.jpg”,”time”: 19:30: 00″,”duration”: ” 01:00:00″, “synopsis”: “A special TV4 program where topics of interest to the whole family are discussed.”, “chapter”:{“chapter”:””, summary”:”:””}})} ,”4-4″:{“liga”:https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/enlinea\/4-4\/” ,”programs”:({ “production”: “Asha”,” photo”: “https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpqI27ik.jpg”, “hour”: “17:30:00”, “duration”: “00:30:00 “, “synopsis”: “Asha and Rock, along with other friends, create a kind of pirate TV capable of intercepting TV signals and other digital devices in their multicultural neighborhood. When they are in the air, they change their identity to become Los Carotas.”, “Synopsis” For Asha and her friends Rock, Sita, Daniel, Motala, Clara and Nabil to reflect today’s multicultural society and make it more fun. Asha, our friendly and kind character, always has the best ideas and manages to impress the rest of the group. The amistad, the tolerancia and the solid aridad their los valores principales of this series que est\u00e1 Adam\u00e1s repleta of situaciones divertidas, magic and aventuras.”,”capitulo”:{“capitulo”:””,”sinopsis”:” “}},{“produccion”:”La Chuncheter\u00eda”,”foto”:”https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpxOQwZC.jpg”,”hora”:” 18:00:00″,”duration”:”01:00:00″,”sinopsis”:”Si tienes entre 6 a 9 a\u00f1os de edad, te gustan los cuentos y la m\u00fasica, pues este programa es for you. Chuncheter will also learn how to make crafts in a fun way, as the theme will be from a story or legend. In addition, there is a music tape throughout the program, through which children will feel recognized.”,chapter”:{“chapter”:,”synopsis”:””}},{ “production”: “Ciudad Kaboom” “, “photo”:”https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpAtlZKn.jpg”, “time”: “19:00:00”, “duration”: “01:” 00 :00″,”synopsis”: “Ciudad Kaboom comes full of fun and lots of technology, sharing new adventures, stories, characters, dynamics and games that will undoubtedly be loved by all the children who join us TV4.”,”,”chapter”:{“chapter” :,”,”synopsis”:””}},{“production”:”El Depa 4″,”photo”:”https:\/\/www.tvcuatro .com\/images\/producciones\/phpxr7KBq. jpg”, “time”: “20:00:00”, “duration”: “01:00:00”, “synopsis”: “Depa 4 is an open space where we talk every day in a fun and relaxed way about the latest topics of interest Young. Social networks, fashion, cinema, music, health, science, technology and human relations are the topics you can find on our channel. \r\nAt Depa 4 there is always something to say.”,”chapter”:{“chapter”:”,”synopsis”:””}},{“production”:”Tell me how it happened\u00f3″ “photo” :https:\/\/www.tvcuatro.com\/images\/producciones\/phpUvrjRQ.jpg”,”time”:21:00:00″,”duration”: “02 :00″ :00″,” synopsis”: “Tell me how it happened, it is the famous, award-winning Spanish series that tells the history of Spain through the eyes of the Alec family \u00e1ntara, offering us a review of Spanish history in search of portraying the country’s collective memory from the late 1960s until the present era. Alc’s family\u001ntara countless political and social changes over the years, in addition to their problems in their later days.”,chapter”: {“chapter”:”The best hits of our lives. C8″,”synopsis”: Carlos and his classmates are going to have a real riot in the school where they study, the reason is that the school teachers receive an order from the Ministry of Education to accept in the class two Spanish girls arriving from the newly independent Guinea.”}})}}