Uber has revealed its ambitious plans for the future in Colombia. These are focused on improving safety and converting their fleet to a zero-emission platform by 2040.
Uberone of the most used mobility platforms in Colombia, announced… Expansion and improvement plans. With special emphasis on Safety and environmental sustainability It hopes to increase its customer and driver base.
Likewise, wait Reduce your environmental impact in the coming years. Angela Mendoza, General Manager of Uber in Colombia, shared the company’s vision for the future.
“We are working on three main fronts: Generate clearer choices To provide opportunities, profits, and innovation in options Generate more profits It is our first front. The second front is protectionbecause it is the most important for us, and the third is to be a Zero Emissions Platform 2040“Mendoza noted.
Emissions are zero
Uber’s long-term plan includes a Complete transformation of your vehicle fleet In Colombia. The company is committed to working in Switching to electric cars And hybrids to completely eliminate polluting emissions.
According to the director, this project will be progressive and will require sustained efforts over time. In addition to sustainability, Uber highlights its commitment to… Safety of drivers and users As one of its main work fronts.
Likewise, the Continuous innovation in technologies Tools are a priority to ensure trust in the service. Angela Mendoza added: “Becoming a zero-emissions platform by 2040 is a great project, but “It will be something progressive and something we have to work on.”
Uber’s ambitious plans in Colombia don’t just seek to maintain its prominent position in the mobility market. also Leading the way towards more sustainable practices Environmentally friendly in industry.
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Paula Reyes Bohorquez. Source: Uber.