Usina Caeté stands out in the field of energy production through bagasse cogeneration

In an energy scenario characterized by the search for innovation and sustainability, the state of Alagoas is positioning itself as a champion in the transition to renewable energy sources, and Oceana Caite plays an essential role in this context. Since 1989, Caeté has been exporting energy It assumes a pioneering spirit in the field of production energyRenewed.

The difference at the Caeté plant lies in the efficient conversion of biomass, with processing residues utilizing approximately 30% of… Qana They are harvested for production energy. This practice not only enhances generation energy Renewable, but also essential for providing food and generating employment and income in the region.

During the 2022/2023 harvest season, Usina Caeté, Matriz, located in São Miguel dos Campos, processed 2,170,000 tons of QanaWhich led to the production of a total of 650 thousand tons of sugarcane bagasse. Through CESMC’s thermoelectric power plant, biomass has been able to meet the energy needs of industry and irrigation with a surplus of 80,000 MWh of solar energy. energy Exported.

“We are very pleased to be part of this positive movement in Alagoas. It is essential that we are in tune with sustainability, constantly striving for energy efficiency and using cutting-edge technologies to achieve superior operational results,” explained Mauricio Veras, Director of Electrical Maintenance at the Caeté plant.

“The constant search for efficiency and commitment to sustainability are fundamental pillars of Usina Caeté. Our efforts would not have been possible without the dedication and expertise of the entire team. I thank all employees for their valuable contribution and commitment to our sustainable goals. “We are proud to be recognized for the activities developed and our work in building a legacy of excellence and responsibility Social and environmental”, commented the Industrial Director of Usina Caeté, Headquarters, Claudio Teras.

Energy balance

The State Secretariat for Development, Industry, Trade and Services (Sedics) recently released the results of the Alagoas Energy Balance (Beal) for 2023, which revealed that 87% of the energy matrix comes from clean and renewable sources.

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