he The venture capitalist of ABC’s “Shark Tank” fame, Kevin O’LearyIt was revealed in Post on LinkedIn where Currently focusing its investments according to Kevin Vandenbos on Yahoo Finance: ETFs with Good Dividends and Positive Cash Flow.
O’Leary said in his post: “Two years ago, I sold my ETF to Alpine, the largest ETF player in the United States. its name Usharis This is where the car stops My family’s wealth. OUSA is part of the S&P 500 And specify High quality balance sheets with positive cash flow of around 100 out of 500 names. Then this Awesomewhat is done with Russell 2000 and eliminating underperforming companies: “Those companies that don’t make a lot of money.”
O’Leary’s focus on cash flow is a reminder that, Although investments are high risk, high reward as Shark Tank or volatile assets like Bitcoin They may be interesting,Basic A A strong investment portfolio lies in stable and reliable income. “Forget Shark Tank, forget Bitcoin. Sure, I have a 5% stake in Bitcoin and another 5% in gold, but what’s the most important part of my US portfolio? It’s in OUSA or OUSM,” O’Leary added.
he ETF ALPS O’Shares American Quality Dividend ETF (BATS:OUSA) and ETF ALPS O’Shares American Quality Dividend Small Cap (BATS:OUSM) Designed to provide Investors’ exposure to dividend payments from large- and small-cap companies This show Quality and low volatility. These ETFs aim to provide… Balance between income and growthfocusing on companies that have Strong balance sheets and a track record of earnings growth.